Resources you can use to get more information about the user that just finished login in with GlobaliD.
API definitions in a OpenAPI file:
Last updated
Resources you can use to get more information about the user that just finished login in with GlobaliD.
Last updated
Subject of the access token
Redirect to the provided redirect_uri with an authorization code
Subject of the token
Public profile information of the identity
GlobaliD UUID equal to the sub claim in the access token
Universal name of the user equal to the globalid claim in the access token
Display name of the user
Image UUID of the user's profile photo
Date and time the user was created
Public key of the user ( ED25519 in base58 encoding )
Country code of the user - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Type of the user
GlobaliD of the user, can be retrieved from the globalid claim in the access token
Public profile information of the identity
GlobaliD UUID equal to the sub claim in the access token
Universal name of the user equal to the globalid claim in the access token
Display name of the user
Image UUID of the user's profile photo
Date and time the user was created
Public key of the user ( ED25519 in base58 encoding )
Country code of the user - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Type of the user